5-day water fast (day 6)

thumbs-upIt worked!  I’m talking less about finishing the five-day fast itself (this isn’t such a big challenge for me any more), than about my experiment with no transition back to normal eating afterwards.  I ate lots last night, not only the mung beans and rice, but also about 100 grams of nuts too, as well as a huge salad :-).  Digestion is already working fine.  The first food I had was at lunchtime: just 200ml of carrot juice and a couple of teaspoons of tahini and hempseed butter.  I hoped this would send a physical message to my digestive system to prepare for a proper meal in the evening.  After that I ate nothing until dinner.  Along with trying to consciously tell my digestive system to wake up through yesterday afternoon, it seems to have worked.

I don’t recommend this to anyone without a lot of fasting experience and self-knowledge of their body.  Otherwise, it’s always best to start eating again with little portions of easily digestible food, like fruit or cooked vegetables.  And before taking in any solid food at all, it’s usually best to start with drinking fruit juices – perhaps for a whole day before starting on solids again.

The only thing which isn’t back to normal (besides my weight!) is my appetite.  I expect it to take a few days at least to regain the two kilos I lost.  In the meantime I plan to get it back on track by reinforcing my normal biorhythm, eating at the usual times, regardless of how hungry I am.  This way I’ll return to full strength in the fastest possible time.  Again, I’d normally recommend against this, since it’s easier on the digestive system to let the appetite return by itself.  But I want to get out there again, barefoot running :-).

I plan on another five-day fast in about 6 months.  I used to do 10 day fasts once per year, but they were too intrusive into family life, as well as taking too much time out of my love for running.  For me, 2 × 5 works just as well as 1 × 10, and it’s much easier to fit into everyday life!

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