Dr. Tallis Barker (D.Phil., Nat.Dip.) is an Associate Naturopath who specialises as a water fasting coach. A leader in his field, he has successfully guided over 900 clients from across the world (North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia) through water fasts of 3-40 days. With a focus on supporting clients with chronic health issues, he regularly witnesses water fasts heal digestive disorders (such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, food sensitivities), auto-immune issues, fibroids, tumours (cancerous and non-cancerous), inflammatory conditions, and problems concerning hormonal balance (such as thyroid and menstrual issues). In certain cases, he also encourages his clients to involve elements of dry fasting into their own fasts, in order to increase the body’s healing power.

Tallis began life following a traditional academic path, going to university at Harvard (A.B., magna cum laude) and Oxford (D.Phil), where he continued to work as a lecturer for several years before turning freelance as a writer, teacher, translator, pianist and composer. He also holds a diploma in naturopathy (Nat.Dip.) from the School of Health (Stroud, UK).

Having grown more sensitive to the needs of his body following a spiritual transformation, he began the journey into fasting at age 40. In the 15 years since then, he has regularly practised both water fasting and dry fasting as a means to optimise physical health, as well as to express the freedom of his deeper self. This usually means fasting for a total of about a month every year. Fasting is one of the most powerful tools to cleanse and transform both body and soul:

Once you have detoxified physically, once you have confronted your ego by not eating, once you fully surrender yourself to a fast, you too will experience the only thing remaining: the unconditional love which quietly permeates all existence.

Tallis is also an avid long distance trail runner, interested in exploring the similarities between fasting and endurance sports. Although at first the connection between the two may seem tenuous, both depend on ketosis (the body’s fat-burning metabolism) for success on a physical level. On a deeper psychological level, both depend on a similar mixture of strength and surrender. Finally, these physical and psychological factors facilitate a deeper, similar connection with spirit.

He recently completed a 21-day water fast.  Click here to see an introductory video describing his experiences.  Click here to read his daily journal of the fast.

Tallis is married with three grown children. In his spare time he also teaches meditation, yoga, as well as classical piano. He has recorded several cds of piano music (available on Spotify and iTunes) and is the author of the book Growing into Being. He is currently working on a book dealing with stage fright and how to let go of the nerves which cause it.

The webshop offers downloadable fasting plans and guides to help make your water fast a success.